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Title: Kinetics of alkaline phosphatase activity, and effect of phosphate enrichment: A case study in the NW African upwelling region
Authors: Sebastián, Marta
Arístegui, Javier 
Montero, María F. 
Niell, F. Xavier
UNESCO Clasification: 251001 Oceanografía biológica
Keywords: Alkaline phosphatase
Kinetic parameters
Trophic gradient
Issue Date: 2004
Publisher: 0171-8630
Journal: Marine Ecology - Progress Series 
Abstract: Alkaline phosphatase (AP) kinetic experiments were performed in a broad range of trophic conditions in the transition zone between the North African upwelling and the open ocean, in order to investigate the effect of nutrient richness on kinetic parameters. Turnover times decreased from 224 h in the open ocean to 13 h in the upwelling region. K + Sn showed the lowest values at the most eutrophic station (27 nM), while at this station Vm reached its maximum value of 2.1 nM h-1. Nevertheless, as multiphasic kinetics occurred, kinetic parameter values depended largely on the fitting technique used. Response of AP activity (APA) to phosphate enrichment was also studied along a trophic gradient at the surface and the chlorophyll maximum level. Inhibition of APA reached 50% with only 0.1 µM of phosphate added, and rose to 80 to 96% inhibition by additions of 1 µM at the oligotrophic stations, whereas in the most eutrophic station, phosphate amendments had no effect. Inhibition was higher at the surface and towards oligotrophy. The lack of inhibition in the upwelling station and the low K + Sn encountered suggest that the APA of eutrophic waters was mainly from bacterial origin. This supports the hypothesis of APA being mainly involved in supplying easily assimilable organic carbon to bacteria in eutrophic waters
ISSN: 0171-8630
DOI: 10.3354/meps270001
Source: Marine Ecology Progress Series [ISSN 0171-8630], v. 270, p. 1-13
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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