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Título: Sediment transport on the foreshore
Autores/as: Alonso, I. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 250618 Sedimentología
Palabras clave: Beach alteration
Sediment transport
Canary Islands (El Hombre beach)
Fecha de publicación: 1991
Editor/a: 0025-326X
Publicación seriada: Marine Pollution Bulletin 
Resumen: Beach face profiles have been measured at E1 Hombre Beach (Las Palmas, Spain) during thirteen months. Changes in beach profiles have been related to the standard desviation, which is used as a good method of fixing the berm position. Sand volume changes are related to the maximum tidal range, and an important agreement is found.
ISSN: 0025-326X
DOI: 10.1016/0025-326X(91)90762-H
Fuente: Marine Pollution Bulletin [ISSN 0025-326X], v. 23, p. 695-697
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