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Título: Characterization of the sorption and desorption of lindane to chitin in seawater using reversible and resistant components
Autores/as: González-Dávila, Melchor 
Santana-Casiano, J. Magdalena 
Clasificación UNESCO: 251002 Oceanografía química
Palabras clave: Lindano
Agua de mar
Adsorption Desorption, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 1992
Publicación seriada: Environmental science & technology 
Resumen: The lindane sorption-desorption experiments conducted using chitin as an adsorbent in seawater show that the partition coefficients decrease as adsorbent concentration increases and that sorption and desorption are not completely reversible at chitin concentrations lower than 10 g/L. These two effects have been analyzed in terms of a reversible-resistant two-component model of sorption-desorption. Further studies varying the temperature (from 5 to 45-degrees-C) and salinity (from 15 to 36 parts per thousand) were carried out to clarify the mechanisms responsible for these effects. The partition coefficients for the resistant and reversible components are found to behave quite regularly in all the experimental conditions: the reversible component is fairly constant in the range of 45 +/- 4 L/kg whereas the resistant component partition coefficient is inverse in relation to the chitin concentration, and it approaches zero when the chitin concentration is held at values higher than 10 g/L. The temperature and salinity do not affect the reversible component partition coefficient, and it is shown that the resistant component decreases both as temperature increases and as salinity decreases. Lindane sorption in different types of sites and to differing degrees can account for the observed effects.
ISSN: 0013-936X
DOI: 10.1021/es00025a008
Fuente: Environmental Science & Technology [ISSN 0013-936X], v. 26 (1), p. 90-95
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