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Título: The incidence of cryptosporidiosis in children: A one-year prospective survey in a general hospital in Spain
Autores/as: García-Rodríguez, J. A.
Martin Sánchez, A. M. 
Canut Blasco, A.
Cedeño Montaño, J.
De Pedro, M. I.Heras
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
3202 Epidemologia
Palabras clave: Cryptosporidium
Prospective Survey
General Hospital
Fecha de publicación: 1989
Publicación seriada: European Journal of Epidemiology
Resumen: The importance of Cryptosporidium species as a cause of diarrhea in the childhood population has increased since the examination of fecal samples has been introduced in microbiological laboratories. A one-year prospective survey carried out on 699 children from rural and urban districts examined at the University Hospital in Salamanca (Spain) revealed 8 cases of cryptosporidiosis (1.1% of the children studied). Most of the cases (5 patients) were observed in the January-April period. Seven of the eight cases occurred in children younger than 3 years of age. All the children with cryptosporidiosis were immunocompetent. Diarrhea (75.0%) and vomiting (50.0%) were the most frequent clinical features of the cryptosporidiosis. In one quarter of the cases, other pathogens were associated. A comparison is made with the incidence of giardiasis, which is the commonest intestinal parasitosis in our community.
ISSN: 0392-2990
DOI: 10.1007/BF00145048
Fuente: European Journal of Epidemiology[ISSN 0392-2990],v. 5, p. 70-73
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