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Título: Market segmentation, activities and environmental behaviour in rural tourism
Autores/as: Fernández-Hernández, Carlos
León González, Carmelo Javier 
Aranã, Jorge E. 
Díaz-Pére, Flora
Palabras clave: Scale-Perception Bias
Benefit Segmentation
Valuation, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Editor/a: 1354-8166
Publicación seriada: Tourism Economics 
Resumen: Rural tourism has developed in recent decades with an increase in the activities available to tourists. In this article, the authors apply a cluster analysis for the segmentation of rural tourism in La Palma, Canary Islands. They consider the level of environmental attitudes of tourists as a variable explaining market segmentation. The results show that there is a large heterogeneity of market segments and that the traditional activity of agro-tourism represents a small share of the total market. The segments with a greater economic impact and producing greater tourist satisfaction are those in which tourists also exhibit higher levels of environmental behaviour. Thus, rural tourist destinations can improve their economic performance by focusing on those segments attracting tourists with higher environmental concern and by adopting policies that enhance the environmental profile of the segments.
ISSN: 1354-8166
DOI: 10.5367/te.2015.0476
Fuente: Tourism Economics[ISSN 1354-8166],v. 22, p. 1033-1054
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