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Title: Comparison of life styles and coronary risk factors between young and aged women
Authors: Navarro, Ma C.
Saavedra, P.
Limiraña, J. Ma
Mazorra, J. J.
Del Castillo, P.
Sosa, M. 
Issue Date: 1999
Publisher: 0212-9744
Journal: Clinica Cardiovascular 
Abstract: Background: Starting from two populations of canarian women, one comprised by more than 65 years old women, and another one composed by less than 45 years old women, we compared some life-styles and coronary risk factors distribution. (Tobacco and alcohol physical activity during leisure time, the existence of arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia and overweight). Methods: From the 1991 Electoral Roll, we obtained a muestral population of 526 women. A detailed questionnaire and a physical examination, including weight and height with light clothes and measurement of blood pressure, was performed in every woman. Obesity was established according Quetelet index, defined as weight (in Kg) divided by height (in m) at square, arterial hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes mellitus were defined according previously accepted criteria. Results: There was an association between age and some life-styles and coronary risk factors. Younger women smoke and drink more coffee than older ones and also have less weight, while older ladies have a worse lipidic profile, have also more arterial hypertension and are more obesse. There are no differences between either their alcohol consumption or physical activity.
ISSN: 0212-1808
Source: Clinica Cardiovascular[ISSN 0212-1808],v. 17, p. 19-25
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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