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Título: Immunohistochemical detection of Dirofilaria immitis using a rabbit polyclonal anti-serum against adult somatic antigens and excretory-secretory products
Autores/as: Molina Caballero, José Manuel 
Oros, J. 
Ferrer, O. 
Rodrigues, E.
Gutierrez, A. C.
Hernández, S.
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
320712 Parasitología
Fecha de publicación: 1997
Publicación seriada: Parassitologia 
Resumen: An immunohistochemical study on tissue sections of kidney, lung, liver and spleen from six dogs naturally infected by Dirofilaria immitis was carried out, using a rabbit polyclonal anti-serum against somatic antigen (SA) of adult worms, excretory-secretory products (ES) of adult worms and fraction C3 of complement (Dog C3). Positive immunoreactions were observed on circulating microfilariae when anti-SA and anti-ES were used, but no differences were noted between the two anti-sera. No antigen deposits were observed when the three anti-sera (anti-SA, anti-ES or anti-C3) were employed as primary antibody, in two cases of human filariosis (by Loa loa and Mansonella streptocerca) no positive immunoreactions were observed.
ISSN: 0048-2951
Fuente: Parassitologia[ISSN 0048-2951],v. 39, p. 441-444
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