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Título: Experimental tracheal revascularization with omentum
Autores/as: Lopez-Rivero, L.
Quevedo, S.
Liminana, M.
Salvatierra, A.
Lopez-Pujol, J.
Freixinet Gilart, Jorge Lorenzo 
Rodríguez de Castro, Felipe Carlos B. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
3213 Cirugía
Palabras clave: Omentum
Fecha de publicación: 1993
Publicación seriada: European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery 
Resumen: We assessed omental revascularization of heterotopic tracheal implants in rats, and investigated the influence of factors that can enhance revascularization. The trachea of the donor animal was excised in two parts, and each tracheal allograft was implanted in the omentum of two recipients. The influence of mechanical factors was evaluated by applying traction at both ends of the graft with and without drainage of the tracheal lumen, and the influence of pharmacologic factors by giving cefonicid, hydrocortisone, cefonicid plus hydrocortisone, or cyclosporine and azathioprine during the postoperative period. Revascularization of the graft from the omentum with presevation of the tracheal structure was established. Graft viability showed significant differences between the tracheal implants to which no traction had been applied and those with traction at both ends. Tracheal allografts from animals receiving immunosuppressants were completely viable and no significant differences were found between the controls and animals in this group.
ISSN: 1010-7940
DOI: 10.1016/1010-7940(93)90053-E
Fuente: European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery [ISSN 1010-7940], v. 7, p. 540-542 (Enero 1993)
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