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Título: Smoking cessation advice by rheumatologists: results of an international survey
Autores/as: Naranjo, Antonio 
Khan, Nasim A.
Cutolo, Maurizio
Lee, Shin Seok
Lazovskis, Juris
Laas, Karin
Pandya, Sapan
Sokka, Tuulikki
Fabiana, Montoya Sandra
Da Silveira, Ines Guimaraes
Laurindo, Ieda M.
Horslev-Petersen, Kim
Hetland, Merete Lund
Müller, Raili
Schett, Georg
Wassenberg, Siegfried
Alten, Rieke
Drosos, Alexandros A.
Rojkovich, Bernadette
Géher, Pál
Cazzato, Massimiliano
Fukuda, Wataru
Nakajima, Ayako
Yamanaka, Hisashi
Shono, Eisuke
Oyoo, Omondi
Rexhepi, Blerta
Rexhepi, Sylejman
Andersone, Daina
Baranauskaite, Asta
Bonte-Mineur, F.
Haugeberg, Glenn
Majdan, Maria
Targonska-Stepniak, Bozena
Codrina, Ancuta
Ionescu, Ruxandra
Choe, Jung Yoon
Lee, Eun Bong
Gogus, Fedire
Inanc, Nevsun
Direskeneli, Haner
Yazici, Yusuf
Bergman, Martin
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
320509 Reumatología
Palabras clave: Rheumatoid-Arthritis
Cardiovascular Risk
Fecha de publicación: 2014
Publicación seriada: Rheumatology 
Resumen: Objective. The aim of this study was to understand practices regarding smoking cessation among rheumatologists for patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases.Methods. A survey was sent to the rheumatologists participating in the multinational Quantitative Standard Monitoring of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (QUEST-RA) group. The survey inquired about the clinical practice characteristics and practices regarding smoking cessation (proportion of smokers with inflammatory rheumatic diseases given smoking cessation advice, specific protocols and written advice material, availability of dedicated smoking cessation clinic).Results. Rheumatologists from 44 departments in 25 countries (16 European) completed the survey. The survey involved 395 rheumatologists, of whom 25 (6.3%) were smokers, and 199 nurses for patient education, of whom 44 (22.1%) were smokers. Eight departments (18.1 %) had a specific protocol for smoking cessation; 255 (64.5%) rheumatologists reported giving smoking cessation advice to all or almost all smokers with inflammatory diseases. In a regression model, early arthritis clinics (P = 0.01) and high gross domestic product countries (P = 0.001) were both independently associated with advice by the rheumatologist. Nurse gives advice to most patients in 11 of the 36 (30.5%) departments with nurses for patient education.Conclusion. Advice for smoking cessation within rheumatology departments is not homogeneous. In half of the departments, most doctors give advice to quit smoking to all or almost all patients with inflammatory diseases. However, only one in five departments have a specific protocol for smoking cessation. Our data highlight the need to improve awareness of the importance of and better practice implementation of smoking cessation advice for inflammatory rheumatic disease patients.
ISSN: 1462-0324
DOI: 10.1093/rheumatology/keu213
Fuente: Rheumatology (United Kingdom)[ISSN 1462-0324],v. 53, p. 1825-1829
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