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Título: Chemical-Bath Deposition of ZnSe Thin Films Process and Material Characterization
Autores/as: Doña, J. M. 
Herrero, J.
Clasificación UNESCO: 221005 Electroquímica
Fecha de publicación: 1995
Editor/a: 0013-4651
Publicación seriada: Journal of the Electrochemical Society 
Resumen: Chemical‐bath deposition of thin films from solutions has been studied. The effect of various process parameters on the growth and the film quality is presented. A first approach to a mechanistic interpretation of the chemical process, based on the influence of the process parameters on the film growth rate, is reported. The structural, optical, chemical, and electrical properties of the thin films deposited by this method have been studied. The electron diffraction (EDS) analysis shows that the films are microcrystalline with mixed cubic and hexagonal structure. EDS analysis has demonstrated that the films are highly stoichiometric. Scanning electron mircroscopy, atomic force microscopy, and x‐ray photoelectron spectroscoy studies of the thin films deposited by this method show that the films are continuous and homogeneous. Optical measurements have allowed us to detect the presence of the spin‐orbit splitting effect in this material. Electrical conductivity measurements have shown the highly resistive nature of these films .
ISSN: 0013-4651
DOI: 10.1149/1.2048532
Fuente: Journal of the Electrochemical Society [ISSN 0013-4651], v. 142, p. 764-770
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