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Título: Analysis of the genetic algorithm Gamic for multicriteria classification of inventories
Autores/as: Doña, J. M. 
Pelaez, J. I.
Holgado, A.
Hidalgo, O.
Clasificación UNESCO: Investigación
Palabras clave: Genetic algorithms
Analytical hierarchy process
Rank reversal
Multi-criteria analysis
Fecha de publicación: 2000
Editor/a: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 
Publicación seriada: International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Electronic Systems, Proceedings, KES
Resumen: In the present paper the genetic algorithm Gamic for multi-criteria inventory classification is analysed. It presents how Gamic may produce rank reversal, and due to this reason it is not an appropriate classification method. Moreover, it proposes a modification of this one that does not generate rank reversal and does not need all the elements of the inventory to carry out the classification. Finally, a modification of Gamic is proposed to solve the former problems. It consists of the change of the weighted product instead of the aggregation function of the weighted sum, to make the aggregation of the priorities in AHP, showing how the use of an aggregation function of weighted product in AHP produces feasible solutions and non unknown ones
ISBN: 0-7803-6400-7
DOI: 10.1109/KES.2000.884121
Fuente: International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Electronic Systems, Proceedings, KES, v. 2, p. 606-611
Colección:Actas de congresos
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