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Título: Digital output MEMS pressure sensor using capacitance-to-time converter
Autores/as: Montiel-Nelson, J. A. 
Sosa González, Carlos Javier 
Pulido, R.
Beriain, A.
Solar, H.
Berenguer, R.
Clasificación UNESCO: 330790 Microelectrónica
Palabras clave: Micromechanical devices
Electrostatics, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2014
Publicación seriada: Proceedings of the 2014 29th Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS 2014
Conferencia: 2014 29th Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS 2014 
Resumen: In this paper, a MEMS capacitive pressure sensor and a capacitance to digital converter are presented. The MEMS transducer has been designed and fabricated using MetalMUMPs process from MEMSCAP. For an diaphragm area of 600×600 μm2 and an electrostatic pressure variation up to 30 kPa, the MEMS exhibits a capacitance change from 9.3 pF to 13.4 pF, with a INL of 0.2% A capacitance to digital converter has been designed and fabricated in a low cost 2P4M 0.35μm CMOS standard process as a digital interface to the MEMS sensor. The measured resolution of 7.9 bit and power consumption of 16.56 μW demonstrate that by combining both devices a long range passive RFID sensor for pressure measurements up to 30 kPa is achieved.
ISBN: 9781479957439
DOI: 10.1109/DCIS.2014.7035565
Fuente: Proceedings of the 2014 29th Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS 2014 (7035565)
Colección:Actas de congresos
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