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Título: Photosynthetic performance and photoprotection of Cystoseira humilis (Phaeophyceae) and Digenea simplex (Rhodophyceae) in an intertidal rock pool
Autores/as: Betancor, Séfora
Domínguez, Belén
Tuya, Fernando 
Figueroa, Félix L.
Haroun, Ricardo 
Clasificación UNESCO: 241705 Biología marina
250207 Climatología regional
Palabras clave: Acclimation
Brown algae
Red algae, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Editor/a: 0304-3770
Proyectos: Status Ecologico y Vulnerabilidad de Ecosistemas Marinos Canarios Al Cambio Climatico: Indicadores Funcionales y Respuesta Adaptativa Al Stress. 
Publicación seriada: Aquatic Botany 
Resumen: Rock pools are dynamic and intermittently isolated habitats in the rocky intertidal. In this study, we assessed if the photosynthesis and physiological activity of the brown macroalga Cystoseira humilis and the red macroalga Digenea simplex in a rock pool at Lanzarote Island (eastern Atlantic) was affected due by their vertical distribution. Photosynthetic responses were measured at three depth levels (0.05–1 m, 0.4–2.5 and 3.5 m) through in vivo chlorophyll a fluorescence, in particular the maximal quantum yield (Fv/Fm) as an estimator of the physiological status and photoinhibition, and the electron transport rate (ETR) as an estimator of the photosynthetic capacity. Algal photoprotection and photodamage processes were related to algal zonation; shallow-water thalli had active mechanisms of dynamic photoinhibition compared to algae from the deeper level. The progressive increase of solar radiation during the day caused different responses for each macroalga, where C. humilis showed lower photoinhibition, higher ETR values than D. simplex. Algae from the shallow level had lower pigment content and higher resistance to high solar radiation through the accumulation of photoprotective compounds and higher antioxidant activity (DPPH) compared to thalli from the deeper level. In summary, this study corroborates that algae are vertically distributed inside rock pools according to their adaptive responses to light-induced stress conditions and that photoacclimation occur in a short-term period
ISSN: 0304-3770
DOI: 10.1016/j.aquabot.2014.10.008
Fuente: Aquatic Botany [ISSN 0304-3770], v. 121, p. 16-25
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