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Title: Low levels of cathepsin D are associated with a poor prognosis in endometrial cancer
Authors: Falcón, O.
Chirino, R. 
León, L.
López-Bonilla, A.
Torres, S.
Fernández, L. 
García-Hernández, J. A.
Valerón, P. F. 
Diaz-Chico, JC 
UNESCO Clasification: 32 Ciencias médicas
320101 Oncología
Keywords: Negative Breast-Cancer
Carcinoma, et al
Issue Date: 1999
Journal: British journal of cancer 
Abstract: Total cytosolic cathepsin D (Cat D) levels were estimated by an immunoradiometric assay in a series of 156 consecutive patients with surgical stages I-III primary endometrial adenocarcinoma. Simultaneously the tissue content of both oestrogen (ER) and progesterone (PR) receptors. and p185(HER-2/neu) ,DNA content (ploidy), and the fraction of S-phase cells (S-phase) were also estimated. Tumoral Cat D content ranged from 0 to 243 pmol mg(-1) protein (median 44 pmol mg-1 protein) and was not associated with any of the established clinicopathological and biological prognostic variables, with the exception of a weak positive correlation with the tumoral p185(HER-2/neu) levels. Univariable analysis performed on a subset of 97 patients, followed for a minimum of 2 years or until death, showed that patient age at diagnosis, high histological grade, advanced surgical stage, vascular invasion, positive peritoneal cytology, low levels of Cat D, negative ER and PR status, aneuploidy, and high S-phase were predictive of the presence of persistent or recurrent disease. However, multivariable analysis revealed that only histological grade, surgical stage, Cat D and PR were significantly associated with the patient's outcome. From these findings, we conclude that Cat D is an independent prognostic factor in endomental adenocarcinoma its low levels being associated with a worse clinical outcome.
ISSN: 0007-0920
DOI: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6690090
Source: British Journal Of Cancer[ISSN 0007-0920],v. 79 (3-4), p. 570-576
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