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Título: Epidemiological study of risk behaviour in adolescents at school in two populations, semi-rural and urban
Autores/as: González Lama, Jesús
Calvo Fernández, J. R. 
Prats León, P.
Fecha de publicación: 2002
Editor/a: 0212-6567
Publicación seriada: Atencion Primaria 
Resumen: Objective. Describe the risk behavior relationships existing in school adolescents between themselves and with the place of residence. Design. Cross-sectional descriptive study. Participants. School students from Cabra (semi-rural, 1319 students) and from one high school in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (urban: 1,751 students). Sample population: n=738 (368/370). Sampling unit classroom. Measurements and main results. Anonymous, self-filled questionnaire, with several subjects: demographic data, traffic-related risk conducts, alcohol consumption, tobacco, other drugs, sexuality, physical exercise and dietetic habits. Selection criteria: attendance at class on the day of the questionnaire and age 15-21. The relationship between variables was studied by logistical regression and multiple correspondence analysis (MCA); odds ratio (OR: logistical regression) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated. Median age: Cabra 17.6 (CI, 17.5-17.8), Las Palmas 16.4 (CI, 16.2-16.5). Those living in Las Palmas have a higher risk of heavy drinking on weekends (OR, 3.2; CI, 1.9-5.1) of being offered drugs (OR, 4.5; CI, 3.1-6.5) and of consuming them (OR, 4.1; CI, 2.1-8.3), as well as of having sexual intercourse (OR, 2.5; CI, 1.6-3.8). In the MCA tobacco, alcohol and other drug use, having sexual intercourse and not doing regular physical exercise were closely-located within themselves. Conclusions. Risk behaviours are interrelated and influenced by the habitat, and start to appear at the beginning of the adolescence.
ISSN: 0212-6567
Fuente: Atencion Primaria[ISSN 0212-6567],v. 30, p. 214-219
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