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Title: Psychonephrology: Psychological aspects in autosomal dominant polycistic kidney disease
Authors: Pérez Domínguez, T. S.
Rodríguez Pérez, A. 
Buset Ríos, N.
Rodríguez Esparragón, F. 
García Bello, M. A.
Pérez Borges, P.
López, Y. Parodis
Rodríguez Pérez, J. C. 
Prieto, Arantza Anabitarte
Laverick, Cristina García
Socorro, Carmen Rosa Hernández
Cascón, Luis Hortal
Dámaso, Elena Oliva
López, Yanet Parodis
Borges, Patricia Pérez
González, Nery Sablón
García, Raquel Talavera
UNESCO Clasification: 32 Ciencias médicas
320506 Nefrología
61 Psicología
Keywords: Quality-Of-Life
Stage Renal-Disease
Depressive Symptoms, et al
Issue Date: 2011
Journal: Nefrologia 
Abstract: The biological, physical and psychological burden of a chronic disease has an impact on the quality of life of people who suffer it. The perception of quality of life is affected by psychological disorders such as anxiety and depression that have a high prevalence in people with chronic kidney disease (CKD). These factors are also related to a lower life expectancy. It is surprising that the psychological aspects surrounding people with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), have received so little attention in the scientific literature, despite of its importance in the overall health of these patients. The relatively new discipline called psychonephrology provides a broader view of the impact that these aspects have on individuals with chronic renal disease with a consequent practical application. In this article we delve into the consequences and prevalence of psychological problems that can be related with CKD and ADPKD. First of all we will focus the subject matter of this article in the field of CKD and ADPKD within the scope of psychonephrology. In second place the article introduces the concept of quality of life as a basic foundation that is affected when a person is diagnosed of CKD. In third place, we will present a recapitulation of the main research related to anxiety and depression disorders in CKD and ADPKD. Finally, the article makes a synthesis of the different lines of research presented.
ISSN: 0211-6995
DOI: 10.3265/Nefrologia.pre2011.Jul.10847
Source: Nefrologia[ISSN 0211-6995],v. 31, p. 716-722
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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