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Título: Cost-benefit analysis of the high-speed train in Spain
Autores/as: De Rus, Ginés 
Inglada, Vicente
Palabras clave: Railway
Fecha de publicación: 1997
Editor/a: 0570-1864
Publicación seriada: Annals of Regional Science 
Resumen: The high-speed train is a technological break-through in passenger transport which has allowed to increase railways share in modal split in medium range distances, competing with road and air transport, The first high-speed link in Spain was launched in April 1992, with high success according to occupancy rates and public opinion of its quality, safety and impact on regional development. The Madrid-Sevilla corridor includes several routes (commuting, long-distance and services provided using high-speed infrastructure but with Talgo technology), In this paper, an ex post cost-benefit analysis is carried out from demand and cost data available and under several assumptions about the life span of the project, growth hypothesis, time and accident values, and with a social discount rate of 6% in real terms. Economic evaluation of the project shows that the Spanish high speed train project should have not been carried out in 1987 in that particular corridor.
ISSN: 0570-1864
Fuente: Annals of Regional Science[ISSN 0570-1864],v. 31, p. 175-186
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