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Title: Planning, Evaluation and Financing of Transport Infrastructures: Rethinking the Basics
Authors: De Rus, Ginés 
Socorro Quevedo, María del Pilar 
UNESCO Clasification: 531212 Transportes y comunicaciones
Keywords: Cost-benefit analysis
Economic evaluation
Pricing, et al
Issue Date: 2017
Journal: Review Of Network Economics 
Abstract: This paper revises some of the common views on transport infrastructure investment and proposes alternative ways to achieve a more efficient planning, evaluation and financing of transport infrastructures in a world where planners may pursue their own interests, there exist different levels of government, and budget constraints are pervasive. We focus on the need for public planning and independent economic evaluation, and the importance of deciding the pricing scheme in the planning phase. We also discuss the institutional design and its effect on investment decisions, particularly, the financing of projects under different levels of government and its perverse consequences on infrastructure capacity choices. We use as an example the development of the HSR to serve medium-distance trips in corridors where air transport is a very close substitute.
ISSN: 1446-9022
DOI: 10.1515/rne-2017-0053
Source: Review of Network Economics [ISSN 1446-9022], v. 16 (2), p. 143-160
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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