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Título: A reverse enzyme immunoassay for detection of Vespula spp. sensitivity
Autores/as: Reymundo Cuesta, I.
Muñoz Guzmán, T.
Cuevas Agustín, M.
Moneo Goiri, I.
Carrillo Díaz, Teresa 
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
320701 Alergias
320710 Inmunopatología
Palabras clave: Hypersensitivity
Immunoglobulin E
Fecha de publicación: 1987
Publicación seriada: Allergologia et Immunopathologia 
Resumen: The Reverse Enzyme Immunoassay (REIA) method for the detection of specific IgE recently described by us has been applied to the diagnosis of Vespula spp. sensitivity. To do so, 0.5 mg of Vespula venom of commercial origin was conjugated with peroxidase according to a previously described technique. The results obtained from the study of 50 nonallergic patients have demonstrated the specificity of the method in as much as no positive value was found. In addition, only one low positive value was obtained from a group of 47 atopic patients showing no evidence of sensitivity to insect stings. On the contrary, very high ELISA values from a group of 23 patients with suspected sensitivity to insect venom were obtained. With these results, we conclude that this method can constitute an aid in the diagnosis of these patients, besides being a low-cost method free from the interference of blocking antibodies. It is our opinion however, that this method is not as reliable as the RAST.
ISSN: 0301-0546
Fuente: Allergologia et Immunopathologia[ISSN 0301-0546],v. 15, p. 33-36 (Enero-febrero 1987)
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