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Title: Study on Properties Derived from Densities and Viscosities for the Ternary Systems (Methyl Pentanoate or Methyl Heptanoate) + Octane + 1-Hexanol and Their Binary Subsystems at Various Temperatures
Authors: Trenzado, José L. 
Matos, José S.
González Alfonso, Emilio 
Romano, Esther 
Caro, María N. 
UNESCO Clasification: 2204 Física de fluidos
Keywords: Densities
Issue Date: 2003
Journal: Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 
Conference: 9th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress (APCChE 2002) 
Abstract: The density and kinematic viscosity of the binary systems (methyl pentanoate or methyl heptanoate) + 1-hexanol and octane + 1-hexanol were determined at (293.15, 303.15, and 313.15) K and atmospheric pressure over the whole concentration range. Moreover, the same properties were determined for the ternary systems (methyl pentanoate or methyl heptanoate) + octane + 1-hexanol at the same experimental conditions. The experimental binary and ternary viscosities were used to evaluate the applicability of several empirical and semiempirical correlation models available in the literature. The excess volumes of the binary and ternary mixtures were compared to those predicted by the group-contribution model proposed by Nitta et al. using structural and energetic parameter sets previously reported in the literature. Also, viscosities were used to test the predictive capability of two group-contribution models (UNIVAC and UNIFAC-VISCO).
ISSN: 0021-9568
DOI: 10.1021/je034017j
Source: Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data [ISSN 0021-9568], v. 48 (4), p. 1004-1014
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