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Title: Changing control rules dynamically in embedded digital control systems
Authors: Vásquez, Javier
Vásquez, Jose L.
Travieso, Carlos M. 
Keywords: distributed measurement
control system
University of Costa Rica
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: 1991-8763
Journal: WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control 
Abstract: This paper details a model developed at the University of Costa Rica to upgrade an Internet-based distributed measurement and control (DMC) system. In this paper we present a model that enables us to separate the control rules from the embedded systems, besides assigning to each of it an IP address that allows interconnections and collaboration between them. The model takes the NIST-DMC model and assigns over it a Business Layer, which is responsible to handle the interface with authorized users, who manage a set of control rules both dynamically as remotely. When a user modifies a rule, the Business Manager informs all the digital system involved that they must start to do some things in a different way. By separating the control of the devices, the proposed model provides a broad longevity to the components of digital systems that implement it, provides greater flexibility to adapt the response of the devices with changing administrative interests, and promises a decrease in costs maintenance, since it reduces the need to modify the software embedded in the control device.
ISSN: 1991-8763
Source: WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control[ISSN 1991-8763],v. 5, p. 143-152
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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