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Título: Particulate matter levels in Telde (Gran Canaria Island)
Autores/as: López Cancio, José A.
Castellano, Antonio Vera 
Martín, Sergio Santana
Bethencourt, Raúl García
Palabras clave: Daily Mortality
Atmospheric Particles
Fine Particles
Heavy-Metals, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2007
Editor/a: 0001-9704
Publicación seriada: Afinidad 
Resumen: At the presente work levels corresponding to TSP and PM10 fractions of atmospheric particulate matter in Telde (Gran Canaria island) in relation with types of pollution sources in the area and comparing with values in different parts of the world, are presented. Experience was carry out between October 2002 and September 2003. A total of 54 samples (4 or 5 samples/month) were collected. TSP concentrations ranged between 22.00 mu g.m(-3) and 225.00 mu g.m(-3) with a mean value of 68.10 mu g.m(-3). PM10 concentrations ranged between 11.47 mu g.m(-3) y 136.18 mu g.m(-3) with a mean value of 32.13 mu g.m(-3). Relationship PM10/TSP as an indication of different class of sources (natural and anthropogenic origins) was established and compared with other of different areas; mean value is 0.52 indicating an relative abundance of coarse particles on the ones forming PM10.
ISSN: 0001-9704
Fuente: Afinidad[ISSN 0001-9704],v. 64, p. 596-604
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