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Título: PM<inf>10</inf> in capitals of the province of Las Palmas
Autores/as: Rodríguez, Norberto Angulo
Ling, Concepción Ling
Castellano, Antonio Vera 
Fecha de publicación: 2009
Editor/a: 0001-9704
Publicación seriada: Afinidad 
Resumen: In the present paper, levels of PM10 in three capitals of the province of Las Palmas (Las Palmas G.C, Arrecife and Puerto del Rosario) from January to December 2007 have been studied. The data were obtained from three urban monitoring sites. Mean annual PM10 concentrations in Las Palmas G.C, Arrecife and Puerto del Rosario reached (30, 7; 33,4 and 33,7 ugPMIO/m3), respectively. These concentrations are typical for urban background sites in Spain. By using back trajectories, it was found that the number of exceedances of daily PM10 limit as well as the PM 10 temporal variation was influenced by air masses from North Africa.
ISSN: 0001-9704
Fuente: Afinidad[ISSN 0001-9704],v. 66, p. 300-306
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