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Título: The role of a specialized approach for patients with diabetes, critical ischaemia and foot ulcers not previously considered for proactive management
Autores/as: Aragon Sanchez, Javier 
Maynar-Moliner, M. 
Pulido-Duque, J. M.
Rabellino, M.
González, G.
Zander, T.
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
3205 Medicina interna
Palabras clave: Diabetes
Fecha de publicación: 2011
Publicación seriada: Diabetic Medicine 
Resumen: Aims To analyse the outcome of the proactive management of patients with diabetes, critical limb ischaemia and foot ulcers using percutaneous transluminal angioplasty as the only vascular procedure and adjuvant conservative surgery when indicated. Methods A retrospective study of patients with diabetes included in our database who sought a second opinion in our unit and met the following criteria: foot ulcer and critical limb ischaemia in patients for whom any proactive vascular treatment had not previously been considered by other teams. Results Twenty patients underwent endovascular procedures. Success was achieved in 19 cases (95%). No post-operative mortality (within 30days after the procedure) was found. Additional surgery was required in eight cases (40%): one calcaneal ostectomy and seven minor amputations. The need for surgery was associated with infection (P<0.01). Limb salvage was sustained during a mean period of follow-up of 642days (sd 488) in 19 cases (95%). Healing was achieved in 14 cases (70%), four are still healing (20%), one underwent major amputation (5%) and the last one died before being healed (5%). Three patients died during follow-up (15%). Conclusions Management of patients with diabetes, foot ulcers and critical limb ischaemia by means of a proactive approach including endovascular procedures in specialized settings provides a high rate of limb salvage. This may result in lowering the number of lower limb amputations in our community.
ISSN: 0742-3071
DOI: 10.1111/j.1464-5491.2011.03367.x
Fuente: Diabetic Medicine[ISSN 0742-3071],v. 28, p. 1249-1252 (Octubre 2011)
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