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Title: Deposition of conjugated linoleic acid in market size sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and its effects on performance, composition and fillet sensory and texture attributes
Authors: Makol, A.
Torrecillas Burriel,Silvia 
Vaquero, A. Fernández
Rincón Martínez, Laura 
Ginés, R. 
Izquierdo, M. 
UNESCO Clasification: 251092 Acuicultura marina
Keywords: Conjugated linoleic acid
Dicentrarchus labrax
Fatty acids
Sea bass
Sensory, et al
Issue Date: 2013
Journal: Aquaculture Nutrition 
Abstract: The effect conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) accumulation in fish fillet on sensory and texture attributes has been evaluated. Fish were fed diets with graded levels of CLA, which were administered for different durations prior to harvest. Fish were sampled for fillet proximate composition and fatty acid profile for sensory and texture parameters at the end of the trial. Growth performance, feed conversion ratio and muscle proximate composition were not affected by dietary treatments. Muscle fatty acid profile was not affected by dietary treatments despite the increase in saturated fatty acids in fish fed diet with 10 g kg−1 of CLA for 16 weeks before harvest. Besides, the deposition levels of CLA isomers increased gradually depending on the CLA treatment, reaching its maximum level in fish fed 10 g kg−1 CLA diet for 20 weeks before harvest. Fish fed 10 g kg−1 were juicier (P < 0.05) compared with control group, whereas fish fed 5 g kg−1 CLA diet were less (P < 0.05) chewy than fish fed control diet regarding sensory attributes. Texture parameters were not significantly affected by dietary CLA. These results suggest that market size European sea bass could successfully incorporate CLA isomers with some minor positive effects on sensory analyses.
ISSN: 1353-5773
DOI: 10.1111/anu.12025
Source: Aquaculture Nutrition [ISSN 1353-5773], v. 19, p. 785-797
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