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Título: Human resources and their mitigating unbalances
Autores/as: Gonzalez Lopez-Valcarcel, Beatriz 
Barber-Pérez, Patricia 
Fecha de publicación: 2006
Editor/a: 0213-9111
Publicación seriada: Gaceta Sanitaria 
Resumen: In this paper, the policy-sensitive imbalances in the health professional markets are discussed. In Spain, the current staffing levels are still the result of unforeseen demographic and socio-economic developments. In some specialties and areas, there are selective shortages which in all likelihood will become more serious in the coming years due to the objective causes analyzed in this text. We propose a gradual increase in the medical schools' numerus clausus and in the number of resident's positions, the use of a variety of incentives to attract professionals to specific positions and, particularly, to increase the standing and quality of primary care.
ISSN: 0213-9111
DOI: 10.1157/13086033
Fuente: Gaceta Sanitaria[ISSN 0213-9111],v. 20, p. 103-109
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