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Title: Efficient plane detection in multilevel surface maps
Authors: Prieto-Marañón, V.
Cabrera-Gámez, J. 
Domínguez-Brito, A. C. 
Hernández-Sosa, D. 
Isern-González, J. 
Fernández-Perdomo, E.
UNESCO Clasification: 120304 Inteligencia artificial
120325 Diseño de sistemas sensores
Keywords: 3D Maps
Laser scanner
Multilevel surface maps
Plane detection
Issue Date: 2011
Journal: Journal of Physical Agents 
Abstract: An automatic system aimed at producing a compact tridimensional description of indoor environments using a mobile 3D laser scanner is described in this paper. The resulting description is made up of a Multi-Level Map (ML map) and a series of planar patches extracted from the map. We propose a novel plane detection algorithm, based on the efficient RANSAC algorithm, that operates directly over the data structures of an ML map and does not need to rely on the low level laser data cloud. The mobile 3D scanner is built from a Hokuyo laser range sensor attached to a 2DOF pan-tilt, which is installed on top of a 3DX Pioneer mobile robot. The 3D spatial information acquired by the laser sensor from different poses is used to build a large single map of the environment using the SLAM 6D library. Experimental results demonstrate that the system described is capable of efficiently building compact and accurate 3D representations of complex large indoor environments at multiple semantic levels.
ISSN: 1888-0258
DOI: 10.14198/JoPha.2011.5.1.03
Source: Journal of Physical Agents [ISSN 1888-0258], v. 5 (1), p. 15-23
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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