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Title: General structure of an inter-mode public transport information system based on Web technology
Authors: Garcia, C. 
Alayón, F. 
Lorenzo, F.
Torón, R.
Vega, T.
UNESCO Clasification: 120304 Inteligencia artificial
3327 Tecnología de los sistemas de transporte
Keywords: Information systems
Issue Date: 2004
Journal: Advances in Transport 
Conference: 10th International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st Century 
Abstract: This paper describes an information system based on Web technologies which gives information about the Canary Islands' passenger public transport system. We describe the Web techniques and methods used in its development. The main difference of this system from most existent systems on the Internet is its inter-modal and integrated nature, which covers information from various transport companies of different natures (road, maritime and air transport) and dimensions (large companies which move more than 25 million passengers annually and small companies).
ISBN: 1-85312-716-7
ISSN: 1462-608X
DOI: 10.2495/UT040031
Source: WIT Transactions on the Built Environment [ISSN 1462-608X], v. 75, p. 25-30
Appears in Collections:Actas de congresos
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