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Title: Elimination of chemical products in the pre-treatment section of Las Palmas III reverse osmosis desalination plant to control fouling
Authors: Muñoz Elguera, A. 
Pérez Báez, S. O. 
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: 0011-9164
Journal: Desalination (Amsterdam) 
Abstract: The paper analyses the extrapolation of the results obtained in a pilot plant to a full-scale seawater desalination plant. A technological system was implemented in the pre-treatment line of Las Palmas III seawater reverse osmosis (RO) desalination plant with a capacity of 36,000 m(3)/d. This system is aimed to control membrane fouling. It consists in the non-dosing of sodium hypochlorite or another biocide to seawater in order to minimize RO membrane biofouling. The pH regulation at 6.5 controls the scaling and the 12.5 ppm dosage of FeCl3 as a coagulant maximizes the coagulation efficiency of colloidal particles and controls the fouling process.
ISSN: 0011-9164
DOI: 10.1016/j.desal.2018.02.028
Source: Desalination[ISSN 0011-9164],v. 437, p. 164-174
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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