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Título: Radical prostatectomy as monotherapy for locally advanced (T3a) prostate cancer: 12 years of follow-up
Otros títulos: Prostatectomía radical como monoterapia en el cáncer de próstata localmente avanzado T3a: 12 años de seguimiento
Autores/as: Isorna Martínez de la Riva, Santiago 
Belón-López Tomasetti, José Antonio 
Marrero Domínguez, Reinaldo
Álvarez Cruz, Enrique
Santamaría Blanco, Paloma
Clasificación UNESCO: 321316 Urología
Fecha de publicación: 2004
Editor/a: 0004-0614
Publicación seriada: Archivos españoles de urología 
Resumen: OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the oncological and functional resulte of radical prostatectomy as monotherapy for stage T3a prostete cancer. METHODS: We include our initial and consecutive series of 83 patiente with prostete cancer (studied by digital rectal examination and transrectal ultrasound) who had not received neoadjuvant treatment under-going radical prostatectomy from July 1988 to December 2003. No patient received adjuvant treatment, and deferred intermittent androgen blockade was used when patients with biochemical progression exceeded a FSA of 4 ng/ ml. Up RESULTS: After a mean follow-up of 68.7 (1-139) months overall and specific survival 97.6% and 100% respectively; biochemical progression 36.1 % (22 pT2 (0%),41 p 73a (36.6%),13 pT3b (61.5%) and 7 pT4a (100%)). Positive margins 61.4% (41.2% unifocal with a progression rate of 23.8% 96.4% achieved continence and 39.6% recovered potency. Among 30 patients with biochemical progression, 19 required treatment witih deferred intermittent androgen blockade (one cycle in 10 patients, two cycles in six, and three cycles in the remaining three). CONCLUSIONS: Our results support the indication of radical prostatectomy as angle therapy without neoadjuvant treatment as a curative indication for locally advanced prostate cancer (73 a) whenever complete excision is expected: Gleason 7 T3 tumors without diffuse extension on ultrasound. 26.5% of these T3a patients were overstaged and resulted to be organconfined (p72). Ten-year probability of biochemical progression-free survival was 100% for pT2 and 81.9% for the lower risk pT3a (well or moderately-differentiated with negative surgical margins or unifocal). Functional results for T3a were similar to the ones of the clinically-localized (T2) series for both retropubic and perineal approaches. 30 patients had developed biochemical progression at the time of study closure and were free of hormonal treatment during 81.6% of the total follow-up time with our deferred intermittent androgen blockade treatment line, so that we consider we can offer it as the first treatment option for progression providing a maximal quality of life and allowing ulterior second line therapies. Futiente who mainly benefited were those on progression who have recovered sexual function: 41.7% of potent patients after radical prostatectomy recovered potency again over the second phase (no treatment) of the deferred intermittent androgen blockade.
ISSN: 0004-0614
Fuente: Archivos Espanoles de Urologia[ISSN 0004-0614],v. 57 (7), p. 679-692
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