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Título: Carcass composition of canary caprine group at adult age
Autores/as: Argüello, A. 
Fabelo, F.
Capote, J. 
Ginés, R. 
Afonso, J. M. 
López, J. L.
Fecha de publicación: 1999
Editor/a: 0971-2119
Publicación seriada: Journal of Applied Animal Research 
Resumen: To study the carcass characteristics of mature goats from the Canary Caprine Group (CCG) 14 goats were slaughtered at adult age. The average live weight at slaughter was 57.88+/-2.44 kg, the hot carcass weight 25.33+/-1.52 kg and 2.17+/-0.33% chilling loss. The carcass yield amounted to 48.71+/-0.78%. The empty digestive tract, skirt, udder and head contributed to over 75% of the total offals. In the left half of the carcass long leg accounted for 32%, shoulder 19%, ribs 23%, neck 9% and flank 17%. The carcass contained 61.79% muscle, 16.87% fat and 21.34% bone. Efforts have been made to predict certain parameters based on net live weight (live weight-digestive tract contents).
ISSN: 0971-2119
DOI: 10.1080/09712119.1999.9706234
Fuente: Journal of Applied Animal Research[ISSN 0971-2119],v. 15, p. 75-79
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