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Título: Effects of three different pre-milking teat preparations on bacteriological and iodine milk content and skin udder condition in Majorera goats
Autores/as: Rodríguez, F. 
Castro, N. 
Hernández, T.
Briggs, H.
Capote, J. 
Argüello, A. 
Palabras clave: Portugal
Fecha de publicación: 2008
Editor/a: 0026-3788
Publicación seriada: Milchwissenschaft 
Resumen: Thirty healthy, milking Majorera goats were used in this study to evaluate the effects of predipping management on bacteriological count, iodine milk content and teat thickness. Three experiments were done, using a split udder experimental design. In Experiment 1, before milking, the right teat was washed with water and subsequently dried with a single-service paper towel. In Experiment 2, predipping with a 0.5% iodophor solution was done on the right teat, the teat was subsequently dried with a single-service paper towel before milking. In Experiment 3, the effect of washing with water and the iodophor solution combination was evaluated. Colony forming units (CFU), milk iodine content and teat thickness were measured before the experiments and subsequently 5, 10 and 15 days afterwards. Log CFU ranged from 2.58 to 4.03, iodine concentration ranged from 0.16 to 0.73 mu g/ml and teat thickness ranged from 0.37 to 0.46 cm. No statistical effects of the predipping method used were observed on CFU, iodine milk concentration or teat thickness, but a trend showing the reduction of iodine levels was observed when the predipping method of washing and drying was used.
ISSN: 0026-3788
Fuente: Milchwissenschaft[ISSN 0026-3788],v. 63, p. 356-359
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actualizado el 06-jul-2024

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