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Title: Comparison of metal-inhibitor systems by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
Authors: Gonzalez, J. E.
Mirza, J. C. 
Llorente, M. L.
Gonzalez, S.
Issue Date: 1999
Publisher: 0716-8756
Journal: Informacion Tecnologica 
Abstract: The inhibiting effect of several organic compounds on copper corrosion in boric-borate buffer with 0.1M NaCl (pH = 9) was studied. The organic compounds 1 mM benzotriazole (BTA), 1 mM 5-methyl-benzotriazole (TTA), 1 mM potassium ethyl xantate (KEX) and the mixture [1 mM TTA+1 mM KEX], were used as inhibitors. Analysis of impedance spectra data was done by fitting an equivalent circuit to these data. The best inhibiting action was found with the mixture TTA+KEX. From the results, it can be concluded that the application of the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to the corrosion inhibition has made possible the attainment of new information about the interaction of the inhibitors with the metallic surfaces when copper is exposed to corrosive environments.
ISSN: 0716-8756
Source: Informacion Tecnologica[ISSN 0716-8756],v. 10, p. 221-226
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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