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Título: Economic valuation of tourism destination image
Autores/as: Carballo, M.M.
Araña Padilla, Jorge 
León González, Carmelo Javier 
Moreno Gil, Sergio 
Clasificación UNESCO: 531290 Economía sectorial: turismo
Palabras clave: Destinos turísticos
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Editor/a: 1354-8166
Publicación seriada: Tourism Economics 
Resumen: This paper develops a novel methodology for estimating the value of destination image, which incorporates two principal advantages over the methods used to date. First, it allows tourism destination image to be assessed in economic terms, so a formal cost-benefit analysis can be executed to ascertain whether or not a specific marketing action should be implemented. Second, it enables a disentangling of the economic assessment of tourist destination image in terms of destination attributes. This can be used to design marketing actions aimed at optimizing marketing efforts to enhance a destination's image.
ISSN: 1354-8166
DOI: 10.5367/te.2014.0381
Fuente: Tourism Economics[ISSN 1354-8166],v. 21, p. 741-759
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