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Título: Extended phenotype and clinical subgroups in unilateral Meniere disease: A cross-sectional study with cluster analysis
Autores/as: Frejo, L.
Martin-Sanz, E.
Teggi, R.
Trinidad, G.
Soto-Varela, A.
Santos-Perez, S.
Manrique, R.
Perez, N.
Aran, I.
Almeida-Branco, M. S.
Batuecas-Caletrio, A.
Fraile, J.
Espinosa-Sanchez, J. M.
Perez-Guillen, V.
Perez-Garrigues, H.
Oliva-Dominguez, M.
Aleman, O.
Benitez, J. 
Perez, P.
Lopez-Escamez, J. A.
Alemán, Oscar
Amor-Dorado, Juan Carlos
Dominguez, Emilio
García-Arumi, Ana María
González-Aguado, Rocío
Jimenez-Luna, Antonio
Knäpper, Jennifer
Huarte, Raquel Manrique
Perez-Fernandez, Nicolas
Marques, Pedro
Sanz, Ricardo
Tapia, Maria Cruz
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
3201 Ciencias clínicas
Palabras clave: Phenotype
Meniere disease
Cross-sectional study
Cluster analysis
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Publicación seriada: Clinical Otolaryngology 
Resumen: Objectives To define clinical subgroups by cluster analysis in patients with unilateral Meniere disease (MD) and to compare them with the clinical subgroups found in bilateral MD. Design A cross-sectional study with a two-step cluster analysis. Settings A tertiary referral multicenter study. Participants Nine hundred and eighty-eight adult patients with unilateral MD. Main outcome measures: best predictors to define clinical subgroups with potential different aetiologies. Results We established five clusters in unilateral MD. Group 1 is the most frequently found, includes 53% of patients, and it is defined as the sporadic, classic MD without migraine and without autoimmune disorder (AD). Group 2 is found in 8% of patients, and it is defined by hearing loss, which antedates the vertigo episodes by months or years (delayed MD), without migraine or AD in most of cases. Group 3 involves 13% of patients, and it is considered familial MD, while group 4, which includes 15% of patients, is linked to the presence of migraine in all cases. Group 5 is found in 11% of patients and is defined by a comorbid AD. We found significant differences in the distribution of AD in clusters 3, 4 and 5 between patients with uni- and bilateral MD. Conclusions Cluster analysis defines clinical subgroups in MD, and it extends the phenotype beyond audiovestibular symptoms. This classification will help to improve the phenotyping in MD and facilitate the selection of patients for randomised clinical trials.
ISSN: 1749-4478
DOI: 10.1111/coa.12844
Fuente: Clinical Otolaryngology[ISSN 1749-4478],v. 42, p. 1172-1180 (Febrero 2017)
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