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Title: Spatial competition in networks under delivered pricing
Authors: Dorta González, Pablo 
Santos Peñate, Dolores Rosa 
Suárez Vega, Rafael Ricardo 
UNESCO Clasification: 531004 Operaciones comerciales internacionales
Keywords: Localización de mercados
Modelos económetricos
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: 1056-8190
Journal: Papers in Regional Science 
Abstract: We consider a two-stage non-cooperative Bertrand game with location choice involving r firms. There are n spatially separated markets located at the vertices of a network. Each firm first selects the location of a facility and then selects the delivered price in the markets in order to maximise its profit. The article extends the duopolistic model with completely inelastic demand (Lederer and Thisse 1990) to the oligopolistic scenario. Under moderate assumptions, a pure strategy equilibrium, which minimises social costs, exists. Furthermore, an equilibrium location can be obtained by finite steps and consists of vertices only.
ISSN: 1056-8190
DOI: 10.1111/j.1435-5957.2005.00017.x
Source: Papers in Regional Science[ISSN 1056-8190],v. 84, p. 271-280
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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