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Título: Ultrastructural characteristics of blood cells of juvenile loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta)
Autores/as: Casal López,Ana Belén 
Freire, F.
Bautista Harris, Guillermina 
Arencibia Espinosa, Alberto 
Orós Montón, Jorge Ignacio 
Clasificación UNESCO: 2401 Biología animal (zoología)
240104 Citología animal
240116 Herpetología
Palabras clave: Cytochemical characteristics
Green Turtles
Morphology, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2007
Editor/a: 0340-2096
Publicación seriada: Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series C: Anatomia Histologia Embryologia 
Resumen: Ultrastructural characteristics of erythrocytes, heterophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes, monocytes and thrombocytes of the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) were evaluated, using blood samples from 15 healthy juvenile animals. Except for the eosinophils, the rest of the white blood cells from loggerhead turtles had similar ultrastructural characteristics compared with blood cells from other sea turtle species. Eosinophils from loggerhead turtles were homogeneous in size, and no crystalline structures were observed within the granules. This paper provides an ultrastructural characterization of blood cells of loggerhead sea turtles, as a reference for future haematological studies of this species.
ISSN: 0340-2096
DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0264.2007.00773.x
Fuente: Anatomia Histologia Embryologia-Journal Of Veterinary Medicine Series C [ISSN 0340-2096], v. 36 (5), p. 332-335
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