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Título: Cyclic code-shift extension keying for multi-user optical wireless communications
Autores/as: Martín-González, J. A.
Guerra-Medina, M. F.
López-Hernández, F. J.
Delgado-Rajó, F. A. 
Gonzalez, O. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3307 Tecnología electrónica
Palabras clave: Visible-Light Communications
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Editor/a: 0013-5194
Publicación seriada: Electronics letters 
Resumen: An optical code-division multiple access (OCDMA) scheme based on cyclic shift extension of a base code is proposed to enable asynchronous multi-user optical wireless communications for very populated scenarios. This multiple access method is convenient for low- medium data rate communications of a large number of simultaneous transmitters. An expression to obtain a tight upper bound of the biterror probability of the new scheme is provided which is also confirmed by experimental results. A variant of the proposed communication method which allows the encoding of several bits per symbol is also presented, although its analysis demonstrates that the first simpler strategy reaches similar performance with a significantly lower receiver complexity.
ISSN: 0013-5194
DOI: 10.1049/el.2014.4417
Fuente: Electronics Letters[ISSN 0013-5194],v. 51, p. 847-849
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