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Title: Caseous lymphadenitis caused by corynebacterium ulcerans in the dromedary camel
Authors: Tejedor Junco, María Teresa 
Martín Barrasa, José Luis 
Lupiola Gómez, Pablo Antonio 
Gutiérrez Cabrera, Carlos Javier 
UNESCO Clasification: 240111 Patología animal
310907 Patología
240118 Mamíferos
Keywords: Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Toxigenic strains
Vaccination coverage
Corynebacterium infections, et al
Issue Date: 2000
Publisher: 0008-5286
Journal: Canadian Veterinary Journal 
Abstract: Caseous lymphadenitis that affected the dorsal and ventral superficial lymph nodes in the left cervicothoracic region of a young dromedary camel is described. The agent isolated was Corynebacterium ulcerans. To our knowledge, this is the first description of purulent lymphadenitis caused by C. ulcerans in a species belonging to the Camelidae.
ISSN: 0008-5286
Source: Canadian Veterinary Journal [ISSN 0008-5286], v. 41, p. 126-127
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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