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Título: Two-dimensional numerical approach for the vibration isolation analysis of thin walled wave barriers in poroelastic soils
Otros títulos: Enfoque numérico bidimensional para el análisis de aislamiento de vibraciones de barreras de onda de pared delgada en suelos poroelásticos
Autores/as: Rodríguez Bordón, Jacob David 
Aznárez González, Juan José 
Maeso Fortuny, Orlando Francisco 
Clasificación UNESCO: 330510 Cimientos
2201 Acústica
120601 Construcción de algoritmos
3305 Tecnología de la construcción
Palabras clave: Dual boundary element method
Rayleigh waves
Vibration analysis, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Editor/a: 0266-352X
Publicación seriada: Computers and Geotechnics 
Resumen: This paper is concerned with the vibration isolation efficiency analysis of total or partially buried thin walled wave barriers in poroelastic soils. A two-dimensional time harmonic model that treats soils and structures in a direct way by combining appropriately the conventional Boundary Element Method (BEM), the Dual BEM (DBEM) and the Finite Element Method (FEM) is developed to this aim. The wave barriers are impinged by Rayleigh waves obtained fromBiot’s poroelasticity equations assuming a permeable free-surface. The suitability of the proposed model is justified by comparison with available previous results. The vibration isolation efficiency of three kinds ofwave barriers (open trench, simple wall, open trench-wall) in poroelastic soils is studied by varying their geometry, the soil properties and the frequency. It is found that the efficiency of these wave barriers behaves similarly to these in elastic soils, except for high porosities and small dissipation coefficients. The efficiency of open trench-wall barriers can be evaluated neglecting their walls if they are typical sheet piles. This does not happen with walls of bigger cross-sections, leading in general to efficiency losses. Likewise, increasing the burial depth to trench depth ratio has a negative impact on the efficiency.
ISSN: 0266-352X
DOI: 10.1016/j.compgeo.2015.08.007
Fuente: Computers and Geotechnics [ISSN 0266-352X], v. 71, p. 168-179
Derechos: by-nc-nd
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