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Título: Outcome evaluation of a community center-based program for mothers at high psychosocial risk
Autores/as: Rodrigo, María José
Máiquez, María Luisa
Correa, Ana Delia
Martín Quintana, Juan Carlos 
Rodríguez, Guacimara
Clasificación UNESCO: 6310 Problemas sociales
58 Pedagogía
Palabras clave: Family preservation services
Parenting program
Psychosocial risk
Fecha de publicación: 2006
Editor/a: 0145-2134
Publicación seriada: Child Abuse and Neglect 
Resumen: OBJECTIVE: This study reported the outcome evaluation of the "Apoyo Personal y Familiar" (APF) program for poorly-educated mothers from multi-problem families, showing inadequate behavior with their children. APF is a community-based multi-site program delivered through weekly group meetings in municipal resource centers. METHOD: A total of 340 mothers referred by the municipal social services of Tenerife, Spain were assessed; 185 mothers participated in the APF program that lasted 8 months, and 155 mothers were in the control group. Pre-post test comparisons for the intervention group and post-test comparisons with the control group on self-rating measures of maternal beliefs, personal agency and child-rearing practices were performed. Multivariate tests, t tests and effect sizes (ES) were calculated to determine the program effectiveness on the outcome measures. RESULTS: Mothers' support of nurturist and nativist beliefs and the reported use of Neglect-permissive and Coercive practices significantly decreased after program completion whereas the reported use of Inductive practices significantly increased. Increases in self-efficacy, internal control and role difficulty were also significant in relation to those of the control group. The program was especially effective for older mothers, with fewer children, living in a two-parent family, in urban areas and with either low or medium educational levels. CONCLUSION: The program was very effective in changing the mothers' perceived competences and modestly effective in changing their beliefs about child development and education and reported child-rearing practices. Changes in personal agency are very important for at-risk parents who feel helpless and with no control over their lives.
ISSN: 0145-2134
DOI: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2006.03.004
Fuente: Child Abuse and Neglect [ISSN 0145-2134],v. 30, n. 9, p. 1049-1064
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