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Title: Heuristic algorithm for visual tracking of deformable objects
Authors: Sánchez-Nielsen, Elena
Hernandez-Tejera, Mario 
UNESCO Clasification: 120304 Inteligencia artificial
Keywords: Heuristic search
Heuristic tracking algorithm
Real-time visual tracking
Target motion, et al
Issue Date: 2011
Project: Tecnicas Para El Robustecimiento de Procesos en Vision Artificial Para la Interaccion 
Journal: Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 
Abstract: Many vision problems require fast and accurate tracking of objects in dynamic scenes. These problems can be formulated as exploration problems and thus can be expressed as a search into a state space based approach. However, these problems are hard to solve because they involve search through a space of transformations corresponding to all the possible motion and deformation. In this paper, we propose a heuristic algorithm through the space of transformations for computing target 2D motion. Three features are combined in order to compute efficient motion: (1) a quality of function match based on a holistic similarity measurement, (2) Kullback–Leibler measure as heuristic to guide the search process and (3) incorporation of target dynamics into the search process for computing the most promising search alternatives. Once 2D motion has been calculated, the result value of the quality of function match computed is used with the purpose of verifying template updates. A template will be updated only when the target object has evolved to a transformed shape dissimilar with respect to the actual shape. Also, a short-term memory subsystem is included with the purpose of recovering previous views of the target object. The paper includes experimental evaluations with video streams that illustrate the efficiency and suitability for real-time vision based tasks in unrestricted environments.
ISSN: 1047-3203
DOI: 10.1016/j.jvcir.2011.05.005
Source: Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation [ISSN 1047-3203], v. 22 (6), p. 465-478
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