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Título: On existence and asymptotic stability of solutions of a functional-integral equation of fractional order
Autores/as: Darwish, Mohamed Abdalla
Sadarangani, K. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 12 Matemáticas
Palabras clave: Asymptotic behaviour
Functional integral equation
Measure of noncompactness
Schauder fixed point principle, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2010
Publicación seriada: Journal of Convex Analysis 
Resumen: We study the solvability of a quadratic functional-integral equation of fractional order. This equation is considered in the Banach space of real functions defined, bounded and continuous on an unbounded interval. Moreover, we will obtain some asymptotic characterization of solutions.
ISSN: 0944-6532
Fuente: Journal of Convex Analysis [ISSN 0944-6532], v. 17 (2), p. 413-426
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