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Título: About a problem for loaded parabolic-hyperbolic type equation with fractional derivatives
Autores/as: Sadarangani, Kishin B. 
Abdullaev, Obidjon Kh
Clasificación UNESCO: 12 Matemáticas
Palabras clave: Diffusion Equation
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Publicación seriada: International Journal of Differential Equations 
Resumen: An existence and uniqueness of solution of local boundary value problem with discontinuous matching condition for the loaded parabolic-hyperbolic equation involving the Caputo fractional derivative and Riemann-Liouville integrals have been investigated. The uniqueness of solution is proved by the method of integral energy and the existence is proved by the method of integral equations. Let us note that, from this problem, the same problem follows with continuous gluing conditions (at ); thus an existence theorem and uniqueness theorem will be correct and on this case.
ISSN: 1687-9643
DOI: 10.1155/2016/9815796
Fuente: International Journal of Differential Equations [ISSN 1687-9643], v. 2016 (9815796)
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