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Título: Degradation and detoxification of formalin wastewater with aerated biological filters and wetland reactors
Autores/as: Melián, J. A.Herrera 
Ortega Méndez, José Alejandro 
Araña, J. 
Díaz, O. González 
Rendón, E. Tello 
Clasificación UNESCO: 330810 Tecnología de aguas residuales
Palabras clave: Formaldehyde
Biological aerated filter
Constructed wetland
Lemna minor
Toxicity, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2008
Editor/a: 1359-5113
Publicación seriada: Process Biochemistry 
Resumen: Formalin wastewater containing high concentrations of formaldehyde and TOC was treated and detoxified with biological aerated filter (BAF) and wetland reactors. At similar formaldehyde loading rates (about 0.01–0.9 kg/m3 d) both reactors provided high efficiencies but the BAF was more efficient at treating formaldehyde and TOC with average eliminations of 98 and 92%, respectively. However, the BAF effluent was not always detoxified according to the Lemna minor toxicity test as growth inhibition was above 20%. Although the elimination of formaldehyde and TOC achieved by the wetland reactors (81 and 25%, respectively) was lower than that of the BAF, they provided higher total nitrogen reduction. The combination of BAF and wetland reactors is proposed as a novel and convenient method for the treatment of formalin wastewater as it provided almost complete elimination of formaldehyde and detoxified samples with L. minor negative growth inhibition (−45 to −52%).
ISSN: 1359-5113
DOI: 10.1016/j.procbio.2008.07.020
Fuente: Process Biochemistry [ISSN 1359-5113], v. 43, p. 1432-1435
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