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Título: Mathematical models for the calibration of cameras mounted on a tripod using primitive tracking
Autores/as: Alvarez, L 
Henríquez, P.
Mazorra, L. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 220990 Tratamiento digital. Imágenes
120601 Construcción de algoritmos
120602 Ecuaciones diferenciales
120326 Simulación
Palabras clave: Self-Calibration
Fecha de publicación: 2012
Proyectos: Modelización Matemática de Los Procesos de Calibración de Cámaras de Video. 
Publicación seriada: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 
Conferencia: 9th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR) 
9th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, ICIAR 2012 
Resumen: In this paper we present new mathematical models for video sequence calibration when cameras are mounted on a tripod. One of the main novelties is that tripod rotation center and camera projection center are not supposed to be the same. The calibration is based on the geometry of the tripod and a primitive tracking procedure which uses lines and circles as primitives. For the extraction of primitive information, we use a CART (Classification and Regression Tree). We have applied the method proposed to sport event scenarios, specifically, soccer matches. In order to illustrate its performance, it has been applied to real HD (High Definition) video sequences and some numerical experiments are shown. The quality of the camera calibration procedure is validated by inserting virtual elements in the video sequence.
ISBN: 978-3-642-31294-6
ISSN: 0302-9743
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-31295-3_36
Fuente: Campilho A., Kamel M. (eds) Image Analysis and Recognition. ICIAR 2012. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7324. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Colección:Actas de congresos
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