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Título: An approach to prehistoric shepherding in La Gomera (Canary Islands) through the study of domestic spaces
Autores/as: Hernández-Marrero, Juan Carlos
Navarro-Mederos, Juan Francisco
Trujillo-Mora, José Miguel
Cancel, Sandra
Machado-Yanes, Carmen
Pais, Jorge
Morales Mateos, Jacob Bentejui 
Rando, Juan Carlos
Clasificación UNESCO: 54 Geografía
550405 Prehistoria
Palabras clave: Shepherding
Cave settlement
Canary Islands
La Gomera, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Editor/a: 1040-6182
Publicación seriada: Quaternary International 
Conferencia: 17th World Congress of the International-Union-of-Prehistoric-and-Protohistoric-Sciences (UISPP) 
Resumen: The present research, included in the project“A history of shepherding on the Island of La Gomera”, in-vestigates the historical development of shepherding on this island from prehistoric to modern times,and from a social, economic, territorial, ecological, and cultural perspective. Within the framework of theproject and its multidisciplinary approach, we present the initial phase of the archaeological study,which aims to delve into the management and consumption of livestock during the island's prehistory. Inorder to track this“culture”from an archeological standpoint, residential contexts have been proposed asafirst stage in the survey, as they have not so far been addressed as an important issue for the archeologyof La Gomera.To this end, thirteen archaeological sondages have been carried out infive separate points of the is-land. Exhumed archaeological materials relating them to the stratigraphic context of each domestic spaceare analyzed. Data from the consumption of food, especially those from the livestock, has been studied.The text provides preliminary information on shepherding and management of the island territory byancient Gomerans.
ISSN: 1040-6182
DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2015.11.092
Fuente: Quaternary International[ISSN 1040-6182],v. 414, p. 337-349
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