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Título: Preferential complementary learning style-type indicator
Autores/as: Roca, Margarita Díaz 
Rodríguez, Gustavo Rodríguez 
Cordeiro, Francisco J Gil
Duchement, José Pablo Santana
Clasificación UNESCO: 33 Ciencias tecnológicas
Palabras clave: Learning style type indicator
Preferential complementary learning
Learning methodology
Formation of working teams
Fecha de publicación: 2014
Conferencia: 9th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) 
9th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2014 
Resumen: Automation, using a web application, of the “Test Indicador de estilo del Aprendizaje Preferencial Complementario, TIAPC” (Indicator Test of the style type in Preferential Complementary Learning, ITPCL), is shown in this work. The application identifies the learning style of a student (also applicable to any person), saving time in the assessment of the traditional questionnaire. The model of styles called Preferential Complementary Learning, PCL, focuses on one's personality and learning ability, identifying the individual as a whole. This model has been used as the basis for the methodology of various subjects in the field of programming in Computer Engineering. The reliability and validity results of the online questionnaire from the students of a subject of the Degree of Computer Engineering academic year 2013-2014 are show herein.
ISBN: 978-9-8998-4343-1
ISSN: 2166-0727
DOI: 10.1109/CISTI.2014.6876948
Fuente: Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI [ISSN 2166-0727] (6876948)
Colección:Actas de congresos
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