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Title: Antioxidant activity of polyphenols from hypogymnia tavaresii D. Hawksw. & P. James
Other Titles: Actividad antioxidante de los polifenoles de hypogymnia tavaresii D. Hawksw. & P. James
Authors: Pérez, Elsa M.Rodríguez 
Toledo Marante, Francisco Javier 
Caballero Hernández, Josefa
Bermejo Barrera,Jaime 
Estévez Rosas, Francisco Jesús 
UNESCO Clasification: 2403 Bioquímica
Keywords: Secondary Metabolites
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: 0100-4042
Project: Recursos Ambientales en la Provincia de Las Palmas.... (Estructurante-5.- Campo: Ciencias Experimentales) 
Journal: Química Nova 
Abstract: Lichen substances have more than one phenolic hydroxyl group attached to one or more benzene rings, thus qualifying them as polyphenols. The secondary metabolites isolated from the lichen H. tavaresii have been studied in a bid to find compounds protective against oxidative stress and free radical-induced damage. The compounds were identified based on their MS and H-1-NMR spectra as well as retention factors of TLC analysis. In addition to the previously described metabolites (atranorin, chloroatranorin, physodic and physodalic acids) of H. tavaresii, a further three were identified in its thalli: 2'-O-methylphysodone, isophysodic and ursolic acids. The newly identified compounds of H. tavaresii thalli may be useful in the chemotaxonomic classification of this species. Antioxidant effectiveness of the acetone extract's fractions was measured. The compounds of the active fractions were purified and exhibited 180-800 fold less radical scavenging activity than the reference substance alpha-(+)-tocopherol in a DPPH. model expressed by IC50 values.
ISSN: 0100-4042
DOI: 10.5935/0100-4042.20160053
Source: Quimica Nova [ISSN 0100-4042], v. 39 (4), p. 456-461
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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