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Título: Allergen management as a key issue in food safety
Autores/as: Raposo, António
Pérez García, Esteban
de Faria, Catarina Tinoco
Carrascosa Iruzubieta, Conrado Javier 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3309 Tecnología de los alimentos
330915 Higiene de los alimentos
Palabras clave: Food Allergies
Nut Hypersensitivity
Chemical hazards
Developing countries, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Publicación seriada: Food Safety and Protection
Resumen: Current food safety development not only takes into account microbiological, physical, and chemical food hazards, but also addresses the problem of food allergy because it has become a health problem due to the increasing prevalence and complexity of modern food and its globalization. In the last two decades, huge efforts have been made to assess the risk that arises from allergenic ingredients in food products for consumers with food allergy (Mourano et al., 2014b). Nevertheless, food allergy is an increasingly prevalent global health problem in both the industrialized world and in less developed countries, where, owing to poor labeling and awareness, a major challenge may exist (Gowland and Walker, 2015).
ISBN: 9781498762885
DOI: 10.1201/9781315153414
Fuente: Food Safety and Protection, p. 195-241
Colección:Capítulo de libro
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